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Marital Status: Single

Name: carverkiess1954

Age: 49

Hair: Red

City: Salem, Alabama

I repay on the weekends. Shoot me a text with a pic and we can go from there! I love pleasuring women and am looking for a beautiful girl to pamper and spoil and who wants to show me around Orlando and explore the beauty of Florida's beaches, bars, restaurants and parks. Respectful, safe, gentleman.

Marital Status: Single

Name: Chichisexy13

Age: 52

Hair: Auburn

City: Salem, Oregon

Right - that could take awhile. Well not at first. Clean, discrete attached professional man looking for some TLC, or lovin' touchin, and squeezin.

I must feel a physical and mental attraction. Black on wight sex. Most of my friends would say i have a easy going persoanlity.

Marital Status: Separated

Name: julidelafuente1966

Age: 42

Hair: Red

City: Salem, Oregon

Someone who is cool and down to chill and see if it may lead to more. Im just seing whats out there Still yrying to figure this site out. Feel free to reach and give me your kitty.

Marital Status: Separated

Name: FilberteDfelio1959

Age: 42

Hair: Grey

City: Salem, New Hampshire

Need to fulfill my husband's fantasy. If you are interested IM me or send a friend request I will meet and I can host.

Marital Status: Separated

Name: rm_ComputerLov3

Age: 55

Hair: Black

City: Salem, West Virginia

Whatever we can share while enjoying each other's company makes for a great time! A real "Cali Babe" lol. Could be with both of us there Salem ranch or she could meet and tell me about it later.

Marital Status: Separated

Name: HerOwnBitch

Age: 39

Hair: Grey

City: Salem, New Hampshire

As stated, I am a respectful and thoughtful man in an open polyamorous relationship. A good personality humble horny fun grounded. I shouldn't have to say this, but here it goes. Find some fun and ONS on this website. I miss the touch that gives you all the right feelings.

Marital Status: Separated

Name: Sensei0510

Age: 40

Hair: Grey

City: Salem, Utah

Life is about living - right! Xxxxx fuck yang gril. I love spending time in chic hotels and restaurants although I'm reasonably at home with sitting on a bench with a bag of chips staring at the stars beside a lake. If you are lightweight I like to pick you up.

I am here to explore and have some good fun inside and outside of the bedroom. Having an advantage is an advantage!
A fun sexy woman who wants to explore her submissive side and experience what a proper dominant and submissive dynamic should be.

Marital Status: Married

Name: CosettaJuncolli585

Age: 29

Hair: Auburn

City: Salem, Massachusetts

A women or couple who enjoys make new have some laughs...and enjoy who we are. I'm a virgin and been really horny for a while.

Marital Status: Married

Name: gero69m

Age: 54

Hair: Brown

City: Salem, West Virginia

Down to earth wild Tom cats. Patient, open to exploring new things. Pylon in the pussy. As I will do the same for them. Since the dating scene and finding the one is a long process I am starting now like my husband told me to do.

Marital Status: No Strings Attached

Name: LatinaMilkmaker

Age: 50

Hair: Red

City: Salem, Alabama

Woman secure with her body and not afraid to to try new things and enjoy pleasing her partner.
When the mood hits you you are not shy with letting me know, and I will always be willing.
If you message me I will respond, interested or not.

Marital Status: Married

Name: doralynnebessler

Age: 26

Hair: Black

City: Salem, Illinois

I am a happy per,confident, creative, strong and ambitious, smart, spontaneous, with a good sense of humor, and are open to try new things and always positive. I want my man to be a good man and me a good woman. For once, I don't want one of these things too I have someone describe me lol, but if you'd like to know, I'm an open book feel free to ask away.
No one person would like everything or just anything,nor would they like everyone or just anyone.

Marital Status: Married

Name: Murvynbarefoot1971

Age: 59

Hair: Chestnut

City: Salem, Oregon

M up for fun without drama. Would like to meet people discretely. If we end up hitting it off you must love to receive oral....I'm a giver!
I am looking Salem ranch for fun nothing serious just fun. And bonus points if you squirt..
From toledo work alot just looking for some hot fun.