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Marital Status: Married

Name: gennadyLIFCHITZ

Age: 33

Hair: Chestnut

City: Honolulu, Hawaii

Always looking for a fun time. My ideal woman is patient, kinky and very kind.

I enjoy giving pleasure more than receiving....Binding,Edging,ORAL,Toys,etc.(To see pleasure brought on by what I'm doing to or for a woman is pleasure in itself to me) And to those WOMEN and perhaps MEN who think and say things like "if a man says he enjoys giving oral more than receiving or more than sex...his pee-pee don't work"...this might be true of some men. Nude woman breast.

Marital Status: Single

Name: armanMaginn

Age: 57

Hair: Black

City: Bel Air, Maryland

Having a sense of humor is a big plus.Ideally we'd have some shared interests and goals,as well as some similarities in opinion about what's important in life. Late 40s looking for some fun. I would like to have a few steady friends to have conversations with. Right now, just looking for someone to chat with and maybe more later after chatting for awhile and maybe meet in per for a one on one and couple play I am a squirter I am a pegger knowing my way with a strap has brought me good kinky times I love DICK mmm love to suck a long dick and rubbing my clit until you come all down my tongue ravish my boobs then plunge my fat tight pussy good make me cum over and over again .

Marital Status: Divorced

Name: WondaMuller

Age: 36

Hair: Grey

City: Burnsville, North Carolina

I will not waste your time, please do not waste mine. Discreet and open minded. Just be honest and real. Looking for those that want to explore the depths of desire Love to give massages - hot towel, heated eucalyptus scented oil, and candles. Girls that wanna get wife fucked without condom vids.

Marital Status: Separated

Name: dutch00ca

Age: 32

Hair: Blonde

City: Pahala, Hawaii

Everyone who meets him just enjoys being around him. Message us and get to know us more if you are interested. Fat girls in Sparta looking to fuck Madison, Florida. I am a straight down the line kind a guy, romantic, honest and appreciate the same courtesy. Give this brother a holla.

Marital Status: No Strings Attached

Name: hoytkaminiec

Age: 25

Hair: Grey

City: Warren, New Hampshire

Big girl who likes 3somes!! I have velcro straps on the bed, handcuffs, costumns some play toys. Ask for Pictures of myself ina chat. Stayinginmysoul att gge male.

Marital Status: Single


Age: 54

Hair: Brown

City: Green Bay, Wisconsin

Honest, good looking, sexual, an overall good person.. I work odd hours as a stagehand crew chief and thanks to the current situation, I am not out socially cal walk very much.

I seem to be everyone's definition of a "nice guy".

Really wondering who will be the first to know. Girls in Shrewsbury, MA looking for Beech Grove, Indiana. I live in Wilmington in a private community and I can host at my hotel.

WE: an attractive, educated, trustworthy, fun-loving, caring couple who value all that provides for a happy relationship.

Marital Status: Single

Name: Jaspin9908

Age: 23

Hair: Brown

City: Gladeville, Tennessee

Just do not try and prove you are smart through talk. Discreet women in Davenport, WA. Beach walks, barbeques, fishing, drives, dancing, just getting out and having fun.

Marital Status: Single

Name: stephaNebeker

Age: 28

Hair: Brown

City: Warren, New Hampshire

I'm looking for a petite woman. I have never been called anything but handsome, stay in great shape, rock hard, and can go multiple rounds.

Marital Status: Separated

Name: HeavenMontanaro

Age: 28

Hair: Red

City: Rising Fawn, Georgia

Looking forward to hearing from you ;) Im not a gold member. I'm a bi male who is a cross dresser completely shaven legs and all wanting to have some fun.

Marital Status: Married

Name: Blackindeed69

Age: 23

Hair: Grey

City: Chapin, South Carolina

Who knows where it will lead. Girls in Brownwood, TX swingers.
Looking for new friend who enjoys being nude cal walk as well.

Marital Status: Married

Name: DexaL912

Age: 60

Hair: Red

City: Lubbock, Texas

I'm very open & honest & expect the same. I believe in making every moment the best it can be. Sexy horny guys. Someone who sends me money. Good shape, fun personality & open minded. (I am not into men, sorry) Lets have some fun.

Marital Status: Divorced

Name: TherealCandyrain

Age: 21

Hair: Chestnut

City: Burnham, Maine

Bbw are my favorite, but like tiny ones that I can pick up my partner. I'm single no wife or gf and straight.
From toledo work alot just looking for some hot fun.